Difference between Link state and Distance vector

DVR stands for Distance Vector Routing Protocol :

  • This protocol uses Bellman-Ford algorithm to calculate short and most preferred path in the network.
  • Routers configured with DVR transmits whole routing tables to all their directly connected neighbors.
  • These updates of routing tables is taken place periodically irrespective of network state.
LSR stands for Link State Routing Protocol :

  • Link state protocols are based on Shortest Path First (SPF) algorithm to find the best path to a destination.
  • Shortest Path First (SPF) algorithm is also known as Dijkstra algorithm, since it is conceptualized by Dijkstra.
  • Link state protocol is performed by every switching node in network.

Overview of differences between Link state and Distance vector :

Full Form
Distance Vector Routing Protocol
Link State Routing Protocol
Less bandwidth requirement on account of small packets and no flooding of traffic.
More Bandwidth requirement as packets sizes are huge and there could be flooding of traffic.
Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Dijkstra Algorithm
Information base
Its working is dependent on local Information based (updates tables based on info collected from neighbours only)
Its working is dependent on global information base. (Routers using this protocols updates tables based on data collected from entire network)
Less Traffic
More Traffic
Slow convergence
Fast convergence
Persistent looping issue
No looping issue except transient loops
Used in RIP and IGRP
Used in OSPF and ISIS

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