Some history of grep command before moving to its practical use:
- Grep is a command line utility used in Unix and Linux to find/search text.
- Grep stands for "g/re/p" ↔ globally search a regular expression and print stands
- Grep was originally developed only for UNIX OS. However, later it was available for other OS which are similar to UNIX.
- Grep was created overnight by Ken Thompson to help him analyze text while fixing some bug which had large amount of text.
- Grep was first included in Unix version 4.
- Early variants of grep included 'egrep' and 'fgrep'
Lets dive in to its basic uses:
- Syntax : To search single string in single file. ↠ grep "string" filename
- Syntax : To search single string in multiple files. ↠ grep "string" filename*
- Syntax : To search case insensitive string ↠ grep -i "string" filename
Other Uses of Grep Command :
- To use grep recursively ↠ grep -r "string" filename
- To suppress output (filename) ↠ grep -hR "string" filename
- To search invert using grep ↠ grep -v "string" filename
- To use grep with shell pipe ↠ dmesg | egrep "string"
- To use grep with cat command ↠ cat filename | grep 'string'
- To count amount of string in file using grep ↠ grep -c "string" filename
grep command options
Ignore case sensitivity
To match exact string
Select invert lines from file
Print line number with output
Suppress the file name prefix in output
Search directories recursively
Print only names of file with selected lines
Print only a count of selected lines per FILE
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